Cancellation Policy
New England League of Middle Schools are leaders in promoting middle level best practices by providing collaborative learning experiences that support students’ intellectual, academic, social, and emotional growth and success.
NELMS Conference/Event Cancellation Policy
Cancellations: Attendees must cancel their planned attendance at least four business days before an event and will be required to pay a $35 processing fee. The notification of cancellation must be written, on official stationery, signed by a school administrator, and received before the deadline. It can be emailed to or mailed. If a cancellation takes place after the four business day deadline, no refunds will be made. Substitutes may be made at no additional cost for any cancellation. (Example of substitution letter.) No refunds will be given to conference attendees who simply do not attend without notice. Questions about this policy, please contact the NELMS office.
In compliance with ADA (American Disabilities Act) if you require special assistance while attending any NELMS activity, please contact NELMS. A NELMS representative will be in contact with you upon receipt of your e-mail to help you plan a meaningful experience. It is necessary that we be notified of specific requirements three weeks prior to the date of an activity. You may call (877) 402-7627 or e-mail