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Awards & Recognitions

New England League of Middle Schools are leaders in promoting middle level best practices by providing collaborative learning experiences that support students’ intellectual, academic, social, and emotional growth and success. 

NELMS seeks to recognize educators, students, and partners that demonstrate excellence in the middle level education.

School & Student Recognitions

Spotlight School Recognition

This program identifies schools that have a record of powerful and research-based learning for young adolescents and consistently observe middle level best practices. A NELMS Spotlight School is a center of learning and strong effective programs that reflect concepts contained in The Successful Middle School: This We Believe.

Spotlight School Information & Application

Spotlight School List

Middle Level Distinguished Student Awards Celebrations

This program is intended to give public recognition to two or more 5th-8th grade students from middle level schools in your state who have distinguished themselves over the course of their middle school experience based on selection criteria. 

Exceptional Educator Awards

NELMS seeks to honor individuals who value and lead in the area of middle level education. The following awards are presented at our Annual Conference, and the recipient will be featured on our website as well as in MidLines. Selecting an award will bring you to the criteria & application requirements. 

  • Promising Practitioner Award

    • NELMS seeks to honor beginning teachers with one to three years of teaching experience at the middle level who have made a positive difference in their schools, and demonstrated a strong passion for middle level education.

  • Master in the Middle Award

    • NELMS seeks to honor teachers who are devoted to young adolescents, committed to best middle practices, and who have taught for 4 or more years.

  • A+ Administrator Award

    • NELMS seeks to honor administrators who value, understand and support effective middle level education.

  • Superintendent Award

    • NELMS seeks to honor superintendents who value, understand and support effective middle level education.

James P. Garvin Distinguished Service Award

Since 1986, the New England League of Middle Schools' “James P. Garvin Distinguished Service Award” is presented to one or more outstanding New England educators (when appropriate) selected by the Board of Directors. 

New England League of Middle Schools
PO Box 887
Georgetown, MA 01833
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Phone:  (877) 402-7627


Available Monday - Thursday from 8 am to 3:30 pm.

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